Why Mosaic?

"Why did you name  your church Mosaic?"  We get asked that question a lot.  And it's a valid question because it's an unusual name.  Mosaic.  Some have thought it sounded old.  Others have thought it sounded Jewish.  When we met on Saturdays,  it raised even more questions along that line.  Still others, LOVE the name.

When the children at church were asked why they thought we named the Church Mosaic, these were their responses:

-because even broken people fit at our church
-because when we all get together we are beautiful to God
-we are all different but that's what makes us special
-God thinks we are unique
-God probably doesn't want a puzzle church

What a great response from our little band of children.  "Out of the mouth of babes..."

At Mosaic, we realize that all of us are broken people.  In one way or another, we are broken.  We are broken people in broken families, in a broken church.  We are not afraid to admit our frailties because Jesus came to earth for the broken and not the whole.  He came for the sick and not the well.  

The beauty of it is that it doesn't stop there - at our brokenness.  He takes the shattered pieces of our lives and makes an amazing picture with what he has.  He takes the broken shards of our circumstances and makes something that only He can make because he is the Master creator.   Out of the brokenness, he sees beauty.   Out of the cracked and splinters and jagged edges,  he sees hope and begins to form life around those very pieces.  

We are not a perfect church, asking for perfect attenders and perfect tithers.  We are an imperfect church asking people to come and bring to the table their authentic, true selves - no more and no less.  No matter what stage you are in in your life; no matter what your age, colour or background,  we welcome you to join our Mosaic picture.  Together we will link arms and see what God will create!

And together we will stand,  broken, beautiful and unashamed, welcoming still others who want to experience the life of Jesus in their own brokenness.  Our picture grows bigger.  It grows more beautiful and it grows stronger.